Get a production grade environment up and running under 5 minutes!
Standardized and templated production-identical environments with the minimum drift from production. For use by anybody not only by developers.
Standardization and automation help you to iterate and experiment. Imagine all the product team have their own environments to iterate, or your sales team to showcase the alpha features, or your CPO to touch the product everyday. What if you can experiment unlimitedly? What if you can have 500 sandboxes a month?
How Do We Define An Environment?
It has production-grade resources and runs on an isolated network.
It is a kubernetes cluster, not a single namespace or dev containers.
The kubernetes is configured and tuned, it is more than a managed service.
No Day-2 operations. It is a disposable materialisation of the local code or a remote git branch.
It is very short-lived, self-contained and resumable. All the dependencies and components required by the code runs in the environment.
It's wired to your local environment in sync with the local code or not.
All the apps are accessible locally.
All the app logs can be seen locally.
Shift Left ←Everything!←
Step 1 Provision An App Environment
Amazon Web Services
Bring your own cloud. You can use your own existing cloud accounts. Apply your company standard security controls.- Minimum cost - It does not cost you a fortune like the production environment or any other environment.
- A secure and private network is created to host the environments.
- Integrate with existing managed cloud services or other environments.
- You can apply your own security controls to the application platform.
Step 2 Attach The App Code
Local Code
The source code for your digital product could be hosted on any type of code repository. Use your existing peer review, testing or change management processes on your existing code repository.- Test in a real environment before you push your code
- Code review on a provisional environment
- Use a production-identical environment to test your changes
Step 3 Explore the Opportunities
- Have your own production-identical environment
- Frictionless developer experience with shorter feedback loop
- Time-box your coding sessions and stop burn-outs
- Faster onboarding for new joiners
- Get a full power development environment rather than a workstation
- Connect your development to cloud services in real time
- Test new models from cloud on Day-0
- Benefit from hybrid mode combining coud services and your models
- No Day-2 Operations for hundreds of DEV environments
- Apply the production changes before going live
- Execute all your tests in parallel
- Run your kubernetes agents and policies much before production
- Pump up developer productivity with a faster feedback loop
- Improve mental health of development teams with time-boxed sessions
- Accelerate the cloud migration and increase containers adoption
- Reduce Day-2 Operations for pre-production environments
- Showcase the alpha features on your provisional environment
- See the product changes on your morning stand-ups
- Play freely with your digital product
- Test your license models in your environment

Why you need more environments
Ephemeral Environments, developer environments.
July 1 2023